IP65-7 Waterproof

  • ProSens QM612 Temp and Humidity Controller

    ProSens QM612 Temp and Humidity Controller

    In stock(1 item available)

    Model QM-612 has temperature or temperature and humidity probe Ø18 mm, L=90 mm, PTFE filter cap and LCD display

    • $547.03
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  • IP67 Large Process Meter with 2 Relay and RS485

    IP67 Large Process Meter with 2 Relay and RS485

    In stock(3 items available)

    The Simex SUR-457  features large, readable 57-mm LED display (ultra bright reds), universal input (0/4-20mA, 0-10V, 0-150 mV, RTD and TC types) and 2 relay outputs.

    • $495.67
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  • ProSens QM100 Dual Indicator with 2 Universal Inputs

    ProSens QM100 Dual Indicator with 2 Universal Inputs

    In stock(1 item available)

    The ProSens QM100 features 2 universal analog inputs , an Analog out, 1 Relay ouput and a high resolution LCD display

    • $445.56
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  • IP67 RTD Input 4 Digit Temperature Indicator

    IP67 RTD Input 4 Digit Temperature Indicator

    In stock(1 item available)

    The Simex SRT-N118  is a 4 Digit Process Indicator which accepts RTD PT100/PT500/PT1000 input signals. It comes with  1 Relays for alarms or control and 1 Analog Output. DC 19~50V powered.

    • $301.49
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  • IP67 Electronic counter, 2xREL, RS 485, 24V

    IP67 Electronic counter, 2xREL, RS 485, 24V

    In stock(1 item available)

    This waterproof 6 Digit Up/Down Counter with batching function is equipped with 2 independent counting inputs.  DC 19~50V powered.

    • $282.70
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  • IP67 Current/Voltage Input 4 Digit Process Indicator

    IP67 Current/Voltage Input 4 Digit Process Indicator

    In stock(1 item available)

    The Simex SRP-N118  is a 4 Digit Process Indicator which accepts 4-20mA, 0-5V or 0-10V DC input signals. It comes with  2 Relays for alarms or control and RS485 communications. DC 19~50V powered.

    • $282.70
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  • IP67 Modbus RS-485 Input 4 Digit Process Indicator

    IP67 Modbus RS-485 Input 4 Digit Process Indicator

    In stock(2 items available)

    This waterproof 4 Digit Process Modbus RTU RS-485 Indicator (80x110mm) makes it easy to display values from your PLC or RTU. DC 19~50V powered.

    • $257.65
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  • 4-20 mA Loop Powered LCD Indicator in IP-65 Box

    4-20 mA Loop Powered LCD Indicator in IP-65 Box

    In stock(8 items available)

    Configurable in-loop LCD display of process variables in IP-65 box. Scale and offset setting allow the value to be displayed in appropriate engineering units.

    • $173.51
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  • IP65 Loop Powered 4 Digit Process Indicator

    IP65 Loop Powered 4 Digit Process Indicator

    Available for backorder

    The Simex SWE-N55L  is a 4 Digit Process Indicator which accepts 4-20mA input signals and is loop powered. It comes with  1 Relay for alarm or control. 

    • $151.16
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