Davis Instruments Gateway UPGRADE

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Ocean Controls has upgraded our Davis Instruments weather station gateways. As a result, the following products have been discontinued:

  • KTA-282 (Modbus TCP/IP)
  • KTA-302 (BACnet MS/TP)
  • GYW-141 (Modbus RTU)

The new products are as follows:

Our new BACnet MS/TP Gateway, which replaces the KTA-302. This model interfaces a Davis Instruments Weather Station to a BACnet MS/TP network. The pricing remains the same as the KTA-302.


Our new Modbus Gateway, which combines the features of the KTA-282 and GYW-141 models.
The KTA-382 connects a Davis Instruments Weather Station to a Modbus network, supporting both TCP and RTU protocols. A PoE power version (KTA-382P) is also available. With this upgrade, you no longer need separate Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU units. The price for the KTA-382 is the same as the KTA-282.