PC Based

  • ESP32 Controller

    ESP32 Controller

    Available for backorder

    Arduino-compatible ESP32 controller with 2 relay outputs, 2 transistor outputs, 2 opto-isolated inputs, 2 0/4-20 mA analog I/Os, 2 0-10 VDC analog I/Os and 4 GPIOs. Interfaces using USB, RS-485 serial, I2C, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. DIN rail mountable.

    • $144.89
    Available for backorder
    Sorry, we only have 999999 of that item available
  • Mini PLC

    Mini PLC

    In stock(8 items available)

    Arduino-compatible controller with eight relay outputs, four opto-isolated inputs and three 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 5 VDC analog inputs. Interfaces using USB, RS-485 serial or Ethernet. Windows, Mac OS X and Linux compatible. DIN rail mountable.

    • $156.14
    Sorry, we only have 999999 of that item available
  • Relayduino USB/RS-485 IO Module (8-28VDC)

    Relayduino USB/RS-485 IO Module (8-28VDC)

    Available for backorder

    Arduino-compatible controller with eight relay outputs, four opto-isolated inputs and three 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 5 VDC analog inputs. USB and RS-485 serial interfaces. Windows, Mac OS X and Linux compatible. 6.5~36VDC powered.

    KTA-223 can now be powered 6.5-36VDC, therefore KTB-223 has been discountinued.

    • $104.36
    Sorry, we only have 999999 of that item available
  • USB IO Controller 8AI+8DO (8-28VDC)

    USB IO Controller 8AI+8DO (8-28VDC)

    In stock(3 items available)

    Arduino-compatible controller with 8 SPDT relay outputs and 8 x 4-20mA or 0-5V or 0-3.3V analog inputs. USB and RS-485 serial interfaces. Windows, Mac OS X and Linux compatible.

    • $135.89
    Sorry, we only have 999999 of that item available